THE best LESBIAN travel blogs

September 13, 2022

Updated: 10/3/2020 | October 3rd, 2020

I’ve added an LGBT column to the site to make the site is much more inclusive and talks about issues that affect some members of our travel community. In this column, we will hear from voices in the LGBT community about their experiences on the road, safety tips, events, and overall guidance for other LGBT travelers. This week, Dani from Globetrottergirls shares some of her favorite lesbian travel blogs.

Ever because I started traveling full-time in 2010, I’ve been an avid blog reader. I am subscribed to dozens of blogs, and I have went to numerous places after finding out about them on blogs.

Boracay in the Philippines, for example — I read about it on blogs.

Or Las Lajas in Colombia, which I went to this year, seven years after learning about it through a travel blog.

The lovely French town of Colmar? I am now keen to visit it after it popped up on several blogs I read.

Without travel blogs, I would have never found out about these places. The same goes for cafés and restaurants, ice cream shops and bars, small art galleries, and great hostels. I read blogs for travel inspiration all the time, but also for travel suggestions when I research a destination I am planning to visit.

While there are dozens of couples’ travel blogs, solo female travel blogs, and a fair number of gay travel blogs, there have never been numerous lesbian travel blogs.

At least, until recently!

It seems that in the last year or two, there are a lot much more people that are selling everything they own to go traveling, and that is also true in the lesbian world. For years, the L in LGBT travel blogs was filled by only a handful of blogs, but there has been an explosion of lesbian travel blogs recently and I am thrilled to see the lesbian travel blogosphere expand.

These girls have inspired me with their stories about off-the-beaten-path destinations such as Bahrain and Cuba, piqued my interest in destination weddings, and made me consider spending all my savings on a campervan and heading out on the open road.

If you are searching for travel inspiration, I recommend checking out the following lesbian travel blogs — and of course you don’t have to be an LGBT traveler to delight in them:

1. 2 mothers Travel

Lara and her wife Deb travel with their two kids, showing that it is possible to travel with young children.

Recommended entry: “Europe: 6 Weeks, 2 Kids, 1 Suitcase”

2. straight On Detour

Prue, a photographer from Australia, and Becky, a travel writer from England, have been traveling the world together because 2012, when they met in Thailand.

Recommended entry: “You’re ready to travel the World: but Is Your Relationship?”

3. totally free Wheel Drive

Laura and Camrin are two girls from Wisconsin who, in June 2017, packed up everything they could fit into their Jeep Grand Cherokee named Tina and started traveling around north america while working remotely. Their plan is to hit up as numerous national parks as possible, to Couchsurf, to housesit, to use WWOOF (to work on organic farms), and to see how far they can get while traveling on a budget.

Recommended entry: “The amazing Grand Teton national Park”

4. Vagabroads

The Vagabroads are Sunny, a former criminal defense attorney, and Karin, who used to be a network engineer. The couple, who hail from Nashville, TN, sold all of their belongings to go on an indefinite overland journey down the Pan-American highway through the US, Mexico, and central and South America.

Recommended entry: “Volcano Boarding the Cerro Negro Volcano in Nicaragua”

5. once Upon A Journey

Roxanne and Maartje are two beautiful blondes from the Netherlands who shared a dream of traveling the world together. In March 2017, they made their dream a reality, starting their journey in Russia with an epic train trip: the Trans-Siberian express all the way to China. The girls are in Southeast Asia now and are planning to head to new Zealand next.

6. The freedom Travellers

Victoria, a Brit, and Elaina, an Aussie, met at work in Australia. They quit their corporate jobs in 2014 and have been traveling ever since. So far, they’ve went to 39 countries together.

7. Dopes on the Road

Meg Cale and her wife Lindsay met online, dated long-distance while Meg was teaching in South Korea and Lindsay was in the United States, and finally got married last year.

Recommended entry: “We Eloped: Yup, Lindsay and I got married in Ecuador,” about their South American destination wedding.

8. Gabriela here and There

Gabriela is an adventurer who has been traveling full-time because 2016 and is on a quest to visit every country in the world. Her current country count is 77!

Recommended entry: “Backpacking in Bahrain”

9. travel with MK

Mei and Kerstin have beening together because 2002. originally from Luxembourg, they share all kinds of travel stories and itnerviews with other travelers. They’ve lIch bin im Ausland in einer Handvoll Ländern und teilt bemerkenswerte Fotografie. Viele inspirierende Inhalte hier!

Empfohlener Eintrag: „Weniger bekannte Städte in Europa“

10. Wandersuppe

Kat und Amber sind zwei schwarze Feinschmecker, die in mehreren Ländern im Ausland gelebt haben, darunter Singapur, Malaysia, Kambodscha, Thailand, Bali und Vietnam. Sie machen Videos, haben einen Podcast und betreiben auch eine Reisefirma. Ihre Website enthält unzählige hilfreiche Vorschläge für Expats und langsam bewegende Nomaden.

Empfohlener Eintrag: „Wo man entgegenkommt – für LGBTQI von Farbe“

Ich bin begeistert, die wachsende Anzahl von wehlust-induzierenden lesbischen Reiseblogs zu sehen. Alle diese Blogs zeigen jedoch, dass im Internet immer Platz für qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte vorhanden sind und es immer noch nicht genug lesbische Stimmen gibt.

Wenn Sie ein LGBT -Reisender sind, hoffe ich, dass diese Blogs die Inspiration und Anleitung bieten, die Sie benötigen. Und wenn Sie kein LGBT -Reisender sind, sind diese Websites immer noch lustig und informativ zu lesen!

Dani Heinrich ist der vagabundierende Schriftsteller und Fotograf hinter Globetrottergirls.com. Ursprünglich aus Deutschland stammt sie nomadisch, weil sie 2010, als sie ihren Unternehmensjob kündigte und einen Rund-the-World-Reisebotte unternahm. Sie können auch ihren Abenteuern auf Instagram, Facebook und Twitter folgen.

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Finden Sie einen billigen Flug mit Skyscanner. Es ist meine Lieblings -Suchmaschine, weil sie auf der ganzen Welt Websites und Fluggesellschaften durchsucht, sodass Sie immer wissen, dass kein Stein unversucht bleibt.

Buchen Sie Ihre Unterkunft
Sie können Ihr Hostel mit Hostelworld buchen. Wenn Sie an einem anderen Ort als einem Hostel übernachten möchten, verwenden Sie Booking.com, da sie konsequent die günstigsten Preise für Gästehäuser und Hotels zurückgeben.

Vergessen Sie nicht die Reiseversicherung
Die Reiseversicherung schützt Sie vor Krankheiten, Verletzungen, Diebstahl und Stornierungen. Es ist ein umfangreicher Schutz für den Fall, dass etwas schief geht. Ich mache nie eine Reise ohne sie, da ich sie in der Vergangenheit mehrfach benutzen musste. Meine Lieblingsunternehmen, die den besten Service und Wert bieten, sind:

Sicherheitswing (am besten für alle)

Versichern Sie meine Reise (für über 70)

MedJet (für zusätzliche Evakuierungsabdeckung)

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